First blog post

For several years I have felt stuck in a rut. I have always worked very hard, but felt as though I can’t get ahead. I have always had a tendency to avoid taking risks especially when it comes to myself. For me, big life decisions never get made until I confidently have something bigger or better lined out. One foot is always firmly planted on something else before jumping ship and drowning. Like most people, failure terrifies me.


Ever had anyone ask you, “What’s your bliss? What makes you happy?”. This is such a loaded question that for some reason, I can never really answer. I have things that make me happy, but there isn’t just one “bliss” or goal I strive to attain. Sometimes it’s hard to know what you want to be or do until you get an offer you can’t refuse. Somehow, it becomes much easier to envision what it may be like to work a job that doesn’t make you die a little inside each time you punch the clock. Or what financial freedom would feel like. . Having some free time to really take a breath and enjoy the journey.

I currently put in sixty to seventy hours a week between a part time job and a full time job. At the end of each day, I wonder how I made it through without totally flipping my shit on at least one person. There are days I consider having myself committed to an institution. I would after-all, be in good company. I am hoping to bring my days of babysitting professional adults as well as the general public to a screeching halt and do something I enjoy, thus bringing me to the purpose of my blog.

About a month ago, I was presented an offer I really could not refuse. Through a mutual friend on facebook, I found myself sitting down for coffee with an Arbonne consultant. Now, I am well aware the stigma that is attached to anyone who does the typical pyramid scheme work from home sort of business. I can’t get on social media without seeing someone who is trying to sell a magic wrap that will make you instantly thin or a pill that will allow weight to melt off like butter without working for it. Make-up and skin care that will make anyone look like a celebrity. There is nothing I dread more than feeling pressured into buying something that I don’t really want or need. I am however, always searching for that one facial cleanser I can’t live without or make-up that doesn’t make me look like Helen Keller chose my foundation or put on my eyeliner.

Circling back to my meeting, I sat down with zero expectations, but an idea in my head of the outcome. I would end up buying a product or two and leaving it at that. I did not expect to presented with an opportunity simply too good to leave at that coffee shop. I had never even heard of Arbonne. I have never had any desire to partake in any sort of personal sales or network marketing. It seems as though every single one is the same and sounds okay at face value, but upon signing up has surprises along the way. Some require a substantial buy in or a minimum amount of product that needs to be sold to avoid some sort of penalty. Typically you do not get any help and get left to figure it all out on your own. I not only fell in love with Arbonne’s business model, but saw a great opportunity for personal growth as well as financial freedom.

I am no sales person. I hate rejection and fear failure. So naturally, this is totally for me : ). I am so out of my element, it’s almost laughable. Without pain or struggle, there is no growth. Good things come from stepping out of our comfort zone or doing something that may initially bring pain, but results in triumph.

I will not recommend something until I have either tried it or researched it. I have done both. I have zero qualms about recommending Arbonne products to friends, family, or even strangers. The point of this blog for me (even though I may be the only viewer), is to bench mark my successes along the way and document the things that have not worked for me. I have had amazing success with the products I have tried thus far, but am struggling to get my business off the ground. I want to use this as a platform to not only journal what is working for me verses what isn’t, but to spread some brand awareness and talk about the actual products and what they have done for me personally. Happy Sunday!
